Sunday, 2 October 2016

Reflection/Learning (SEED Curriculum)

Last month, September thirteen two thousand and sixteen, Tuesday, and last September twenty two thousand and sixteen, Thrusday, Sir Randy S. Gamboa taught us about the SEED curriculum, which stands for Self-Mastery as S, Environment Mastery as E, Enterprise Mastery as the other E, and Development of the business plan as D. I think that the SEED’s aim is to teach the students of their potential when it comes to Technopreneurship. SEED is a course model for the subject called Techonpreneurship. Self-mastery’s explanation is in which you must know thyself and what you should master must be the passion in knowing yourself. Self-mastery is the passion from knowing yourself. It also brings passion. What I learned while Sir Randy S. Gamboa was teaching us the Self Mastery assessment, that in life, not only in technopreneurship, we must know what we really want to do. Because it will be a waste of time and money if we do something that we do not like or we do not know. Also, if you master yourself or you know yourself, you will also learn the strengths that you do not know and you do not expect and the weaknesses you must conquer and face on your own. When you know yourself, you know what you want and what you do not want. It means that you must know what you want. Example is that I like to create games and I don’t want to work on codes in android apps, so what I must do is that I must enhance my skills on creating games more than coding in android apps. Self-mastery is important in Techopreneurship because what I think is that if you do business on something that you do not want, there is a possibility that the business you are doing will not do any good to you and you also won’t be happy in your business and probably you will never ever make an effort to make that business a successful one if you don’t like it. Also, a self-mastered person is a person that does not need to have a high IQ, does need EQ or Emotional Quotient and AQ which means Adversity Quotient, is naturally a performer, competitive and efficient, an epicure, being sensual and cheery, and a boss, the one who takes charge and loves a good fight, is a whole-brained person, has personal vision for the business and knows the strengths and weaknesses of it. The second is Enterprise Mastery which is about generating ideas and seeking opportunities out from his or her environment through serendipity walks, crises, trends, and many more. An Environment mastered person understands the industry he or she is in, sees the opportunities and not the problems, is on the top situation instead of being under the situation, and is the organization or the industry innovator and strategist. Since we are in a modern industry, a technopreneur must generate ideas based on the modern trends usually or what is needed in a specific area. A technopreneur must know how to create initiatives, ideas, income from nothing to something that is worthwhile. For me, a technopreneur must take advantage of a trend, because this will help him or her create ideas that are unique and creative with the use of trends since nowadays, people always follow what is the trend in a specific time or place. He or she must also prepare very many ideas in any case the first idea of his or hers is not that of an income generator. Example for this is that the rising trend of Pokemon Go, in this case many of the businessman in malls did a trend in which putting a lure party, a special item in the said app, in malls to increase the customers in the mall. Since it is in a mall, customers will also take advantage of the shops in there and because of this the malls will greatly earn more money than they should because of the trend and taking advantage of it. A technopreneur must also take advantage of what are the trends nowadays. The next is a technopreneur must be an enterprise mastered person. This means that he or she must know how to run a business. This pertains to the knowledge of the different enterprise disciplines such as creating the business, marketing management, operations management, and financial management and risk management. He or she also understands and integrates the process of management (planning, organizing, directing, and controlling) and leads and inspires rather than manage. This means that a technopreneur must know at least how to run a business, he must be good at deciding things in which there are risks, also he or she must be good at leading different things especially when it comes to financial and marketing, he or she must be good at speaking, convincing, suggesting and taking risks when it is needed. He or she leads and inspires rather than manage. He or she leads the team when needed, and he or she must also be good at taking risks when the business needs to. And lastly of the SEED, it is the Development of Business Plan. It is the development of business plan covers by writing the business plan, presenting and defending the business plan, and adding refinements to the presented business plan. A technopreneur must also be good in making a reasonable business plan since this is one of the cores of creating a business. He or she must have the reasonable reasons in defending the business plan he or she developed and created. But in developing business plans, he or she must also have the right reasons and back-up reasons on why he or she included it in the business plans since for me this the most risky part in technopreneurship, but if you fail in this one, try and try again until furthermore you have succeed. SEED is one of the most important part in the technopreneurship subject because this teaches the students the basic and the life situations you are most likely to bump on while doing the business. About SEED curriculum, what I can reflect from this is the way we will learn about it in technopreneurship. Because of SEED, I believe that many people went into startup businesses because of this kind of curriculum. SEED which stands for Self-mastery, Enterprise Mastery, Environment Mastered and Development of the business plan. Because of the curriculum named “Self-mastery, Enterprise Mastery, Environment Mastered and Development of the business plan,” many people or specifically students of technopreneurship subject which are mostly Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, start some startup business companies because, the “Self-mastery, Enterprise Mastery, Environment Mastered and Development of the business plan” curriculum gives them the alternative mindset which is “go to school, get good grades, and be an employer.” The aim of the curriculum “Self-mastery, Enterprise Mastery, Environment Mastered and Development of the business plan” is to change the mindset of most students to be business minded and just not be an employee of a company. Being an employer has very many advantages and because of this I think that the “Self-mastery, Enterprise Mastery, Environment Mastered and Development of the business plan” curriculum was born out of this. In SEED curriculum or “Self-mastery, Enterprise Mastery, Environment Mastered and Development of the business plan” curriculum, it teaches the students to be a technopreneur in the future. Technopreneur, for me, means that being an entrepreneur but the medium of the business will be the use of modern technology. Technopreneurs and even entrepreneurs always take advantage of any situation, crisis or anytime that they can take into their own hands to their business. Any technopreneur or entrepreneur must take the things into his own advantage. It means that anything that happens around him or her must be seeing it as an opportunity to gain income and not as a hindrance in his or her business. For me, a technopreneur or entrepreneur must also apply what he or she learned in “Self-mastery, Enterprise Mastery, Environment Mastered and Development of the business plan,” or the SEED curriculum if he or she passed it in his or her studies. It is because for me, an entrepreneur or a technopreneur must learn of the struggles of past ones. What I meant is that when becoming a technopreneur or an entrepreneur, he or she must apply all the learning they learned from other’s experience too because of this, they can avoid the common mistakes that they have made and they can avoid some big and wrong decisions but it is quite better if the technopreneur or the entrepreneur will really experience all of these so that they will learn from it and really put the bad decision and learning into their heart because for me, if it is the first time you did a  wrong decision, it will stick into your brain and heart the pain you felt when the consequences happen and the entrepreneur or the technopreneur will never ever do the same big and wrong decision they made. One of the aspects an entrepreneur or a technopreneur must learn int “Self-mastery, Enterprise Mastery, Environment Mastered and Development of the business plan” curriculum or the SEED curriculum, is the self-mastery that the person needs to master. It is because of this first category that most entrepreneurs and technopreneurs became successful. If you know what you love, and you know the strengths you have, then you will exert more effort in the business you are establishing with something you love. According to a study, a person that loves to do what he or she does, tends to be exert more effort on the business that he loves because he or she does not consider it as “tiring work” but he or she considers it as “happy time” because what he or she is doing is doing it because that is what he or she loves to do. Another advantage of this is that you will know the strengths that you have as you are doing the business that you are establishing of something that you like or love. And also you can apply the strength that you realize through the lesson. Example if you are good at communication skills, you can apply it in the business by talking to the customers and even convincing them to buy your product. Or the strength of talking to other people can be used to talking to potential investors in which it can convince the potential investors into investing in your business which is a big help to the business because in this way, you can buy more equipment needed in which it will be used more to potentially get customers and to increase the number of customers. Also learning you weaknesses will not only enhance the company that he or she owns but it will also enhance the human or the technopreneur or the entrepreneur himself in which this can help in his or her own good and in his or her own business. It will not only let the business grow but also it will let the person grow because if the person will not risk on doing in his or her own weakness, then he or she will never ever grown unless he or she will face the risk of the challenges his or her weakness makes. In facing the weakness he or she has, he or she must accept all the consequences he or she will get in facing the risks and the weaknesses he or she has. In this part, the technopreneur or the entrepreneur must always face his or her weakness and he or she must never run away from it because it will just chase him or her until he or she overcomes the weakness he or she has. Also, when facing weaknesses one must also know its limits and scope in business because these are the cause in which can also fail being a technopreneur or an entrepreneur. The second is an entrepreneur or a technopreneur must also have enterprise mastery in which means that a technopreneur or an entrepereneur must be generating ideas and seeking opportunities out from his or her environment through serendipity walks, crises, trends, and many more. This means that a technopreneur or an entrepreneur must also generate ideas from certain things in which can help promote or grow his or her own company. In generating ideas, it must be unique and the idea must also be an effective one in which you can generate more income or help the company or the business you own in which it can benefit you and the company you own. Being a enterprise minded entrepreneur or technopreneur makes you a thoughtful one and opportunistic in which you or the company can benefit from it. Example is if it is in the time of the trending things, so what you must do is that think of some ways to turn the tables into making the trend more beneficial to you in which you can generate more income and can let you and your company grow in which will result to a higher income which is the goal of being an employer. An Environment mastered person understands the industry he or she is in, sees the opportunities and not the problems, is on the top situation instead of being under the situation, and is the organization or the industry innovator and strategist. Since we are in a modern industry, a technopreneur must generate ideas based on the modern trends usually or what is needed in a specific area. A technopreneur must know how to create initiatives, ideas, income from nothing to something that is worthwhile. For me, a technopreneur must take advantage of a trend, because this will help him or her create ideas that are unique and creative with the use of trends since nowadays, people always follow what is the trend in a specific time or place. He or she must also prepare very many ideas in any case the first idea of his or hers is not that of an income generator. Example for this is that the rising trend of Pokemon Go, in this case many of the businessman in malls did a trend in which putting a lure party, a special item in the said app, in malls to increase the customers in the mall. Since it is in a mall, customers will also take advantage of the shops in there and because of this the malls will greatly earn more money than they should because of the trend and taking advantage of it. A technopreneur must also take advantage of what are the trends nowadays. Also, a tefchnopreneur must also be environment mastered so that he can take advantage of all the things around him or her. And maybe because of this, being an environment mastered person can lead to the success of the company and the growth of both the company and to the growth of the technopreneur which can benefit him or her not only in business but also in dealing them in real life. Next, a technopreneur must also be an enterprise mastered person. This means that he or she must know how to run a business. This pertains to the knowledge of the different enterprise disciplines such as creating the business, marketing management, operations management, and financial management and risk management. He or she also understands and integrates the process of management (planning, organizing, directing, and controlling) and leads and inspires rather than manage. This means that a technopreneur must know at least how to run a business, he must be good at deciding things in which there are risks, also he or she must be good at leading different things especially when it comes to financial and marketing, he or she must be good at speaking, convincing, suggesting and taking risks when it is needed. He or she leads and inspires rather than manage. He or she leads the team when needed, and he or she must also be good at taking risks when the business needs to. And lastly of the SEED, it is the Development of Business Plan. It is the development of business plan covers by writing the business plan, presenting and defending the business plan, and adding refinements to the presented business plan. A technopreneur must also be good in making a reasonable business plan since this is one of the cores of creating a business. He or she must have the reasonable reasons in defending the business plan he or she developed and created. But in developing business plans, he or she must also have the right reasons and back-up reasons on why he or she included it in the business plans since for me this the most risky part in technopreneurship, but if you fail in this one, try and try again until furthermore you have succeed. SEED is one of the most important part in the technopreneurship subject because this teaches the students the basic and the life situations you are most likely to bump on while doing the business. In developing business plan is one of the crucial steps for me in the SEED curriculum or the “Self-mastery, Enterprise Mastery, Environment Mastered and Development of the business plan,” it is because oin developing business plan is quite hard because you need to make realistic situations and realistic decisions in which you could think to make your business grow and be successful in business. Because of Business plans, students and learners who took and learn the “Self-mastery, Enterprise Mastery, Environment Mastered and Development of the business plan” curriculum tend to start startup business in which they can earn from it. So what I learned mostly in the “Self-mastery, Enterprise Mastery, Environment Mastered and Development of the business plan” curriculum is that the factors that are taught in the SEED curriculum are useful and realistic in starting a startup business.

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